About me

More about me and myself


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Hi I'm Ehsan Golmakani

I like coding, I do stuff related to Web development, I work mainly with React/Node and Pure Javascript.

Brief timeline of my career

May 2020 - now

  • Started learning JavaScript + TypeScript + CI/CD + Some other libs
  • Built a bunch of open-source projects
  • Built quite a few Node.js packages in TypeScript & JavaScript
  • Built quite a few stunning portfolios
  • Learned basics of Python, C++ and Java.

Sep 2015 - Feb 2020

  • Studied PHP and Web development in (Imam Hossein Computer Academy)[] and done some small freelance projects.
  • Moved to Golbahar, Iran

Before 2015

  • Growing up in Mashhad, Iran

Why have this blog?

Because sharing is learning

I believe noting down and sharing is the best way to learn! So I created this blog, where I keep things that I learned, find useful, and necessary to save for later.

More than just technical stuff, there are personal thoughts about work and life from the perspective of a Software Engineer.

It would be highly appreciated if I could read your comment or hear your thoughts on what I wrote

Tech stack

This blog is hosted on Vercel, built with Next.js (Preact for production) and Tailwind CSS using Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog.


The images in this blog are from Unsplash and imgur. gifs from GIPHY. and illustrations are from Storyset.

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