About me
More about me and myself
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Ehsan Golmakani
Mid-Level Typescript Engineer
Hi I'm Ehsan Golmakani
I like coding, I do stuff related to Web development, I work mainly with React/Node and Pure Javascript.
Brief timeline of my career
May 2020 - now
- Started learning JavaScript + TypeScript + CI/CD + Some other libs
- Built a bunch of open-source projects
- Built quite a few Node.js packages in TypeScript & JavaScript
- Built quite a few stunning portfolios
- Learned basics of Python, C++ and Java.
Sep 2015 - Feb 2020
- Studied PHP and Web development in (Imam Hossein Computer Academy)[] and done some small freelance projects.
- Moved to Golbahar, Iran
Before 2015
- Growing up in Mashhad, Iran
Why have this blog?
Because sharing is learning
I believe noting down and sharing is the best way to learn! So I created this blog, where I keep things that I learned, find useful, and necessary to save for later.
More than just technical stuff, there are personal thoughts about work and life from the perspective of a Software Engineer.
It would be highly appreciated if I could read your comment or hear your thoughts on what I wrote
Tech stack
This blog is hosted on Vercel, built with Next.js (Preact for production) and Tailwind CSS using Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog.
- See my repository for this blog.
The images in this blog are from Unsplash and imgur. gifs from GIPHY. and illustrations are from Storyset.
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